Hi. I've been asked to say a few words about the importance of fighting fascism and racism from the perspective of a Palestine activist.

My background is originally Plymouthian CofE who embraced Islam in her 30s whose father brought home a German bride after the war. Even as a young child the irony was not lost on me that how could 2 people come together in such circumstances and be so racist?

I learnt that it was the same biased media reports and misinformation, the same racist thugs, fuelling frightened working class people whose wages are becoming more and more dependent on top up benefits to make ends meet!

Now let's get one thing straight here, benefits are not supporting the workers they are subsidising wealthy companies in providing cheep labour. Our enemys come to this country in private jets not on boats, our millionaire politicians with their back handers from the Zionist regime are using the boat people as scapegoats and smokescreens, spitting venomous and inflammatory rhetoric trying to demonise peaceful protests by labelling them hate marches.

Have you seen how the plight of the Palestinians has almost been put on hold over the last week whilst we have been distracted by the fascists? Even as a Palestinian activist my feeds and pages are full off where do we need to rally and which community next needs our support. The horror of the settlers violence, the continued destruction and land grab as well as the horrific man made famine used as illegal collective punishment, all majorly funded by UK taxes, all getting overlooked because our time is being stolen by racism and keeping it off our streets!

People thinking we are winning because importing arms to Israel has be stopped, well let me quickly pause to correct that, all export licenses for arms to Israel have been suspended pending policy review, so I'll take the win that we have a pause but that's no guarantee of a permanent ban.

My point is poor people are getting the shitty end of the stick but instead of getting angry with the rich they are getting angry with immigration taking the focus off our work to halt the genocide in Palestinian, we must stop this notion that things will be better with the ultra right because their leaders don't care about anyone but themselves, Tommy winding the keys up in the racist and sending them out to cause havoc then legging it to Cyprus so he safe and cosy out of the way.

If we can't turn this around and stop the rot we are all lost and we will be well and truly under a Zionist agenda. We need to be the voice in the streets with the correct information going out about who is really bleeding this country dry and fight the media with their misinformation to stop the fascists before they take hold.

Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria to name just a very few are all in crisis, if the fascist don't want them here fine, but stop supporting the destabilisation of their countries so home is a safe place to be, because let me tell you I've yet to meet an African or Arab who dreams of spending their last days in the rain in UK eating under seasoned fish and chips!

Home is where the heart is and many Palestinian refugees around the world still cling to their keys in the hope for the right to return, even now when the houses have been levelled to the ground, the hope remains.

Before we came along with our desire to get rich from not only the weapons industry but natural resources, most of those countries were beautiful with a rich culture and amazing food, not one human alive puts their child in a dinghy unless the fear of the life they are leaving is greater than the fear of losing life at sea.

Let's turn this tide of hate and remind these fascists WHO'S STREETS? OUR STREETS!